Saturday, November 21, 2009

They call me Sister around here

I feel so at home in the new church God placed me in. (Not that I don't miss you all in Council Bluffs and Junction City!) But there’s something I noticed almost as soon as I entered the doors of the church in Independence, KY. It wasn’t the décor, or the number of people. It wasn’t the music that was floating to the greeting area from the early sanctuary service. (And boy was it great!) It wasn’t the number of young children waiting to get to class, which always tickles my heart. It wasn’teven that special smell I always notice when entering a church were Holy Spirit is welcome. It was something totally different. It was something much, much simpler... It was because virtually every person who shook my hand or greeted me called me “Sister”. I wasn’t “Miss Rhonda”. I wasn’t Mom. I wasn’t Grandma. I wasn't the Sunday School teacher or Youth Leader. I wasn't that lady that sings or cooks the Wednesday meals. I was Sister. "Good Morning, Sister!" "Glad to see you again, Sister." Welcome to Community Family Church, Sister". Sister….a name that put me on the same level ground as every other man and woman serving God in that church. That name alone, Sister, told me that I was welcome into the family.

Growing up Pentecostal, our Pastor wasn’t Pastor Clark, he was Brother Clark. The Bible says we are heirs and joint heirs with Christ. Pentecostals took that seriously!! It didn’t matter how old or how young we were. We were all part of the same family…God’s. So everyone was either Brother or Sister. It was a term of respect, one you were given when you were born again into this new family. I didn’t realize just how much I missed that term.

Reminds me of the old Gaither song from the 70’s:

You will notice we say "brother and sister" 'round here,
It's because we're a family and these folks are so near;
When one has a heartache, we all share the tears,
And rejoice in each victory in this family so dear.

I'm so glad I'm a part of the Family of God,
I've been washed in the fountain, cleansed by His Blood!
Joint heirs with Jesus as we travel this sod,
For I'm part of the family,The Family of God

When you go to church tomorrow, (if you don't already) greet each other as Brother and Sister. Start a new tradition…or revive an old one. After all, we are the family of God. And tomorrow is Sunday, the weekly family reunion. In the words of Brother Andy, "see you there, or see you in the air!"

Love ya!
Sister Rhonda

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Every week in Youth Group, the kids give praise reports and prayer requests. Some are testimonies of how God provides in ways unimaginable. One of the young men told of how he needed some work done on his car, and God provided him a new tire at no charge. COOL. One said he got that $80 backpack he was wanting. Now maybe that doesn’t sound so totally ‘rad’ to you, but it was a big deal to the youth who testified of it.

I hear genuine prayer requests, like my mom is going to the doctor and they suspect cancer. I can hear the pain, fear, and concern in that request. I take joy in being able, as a group, to pray for that request. One of the kids last night asked us to pray that she got a laptop computer for her birthday. I prayed that she had a GOOD birthday, no matter what she received. Honestly, sometimes the kids are just being silly when they ask for prayer. That’s OK…At least they’re in the house of God and know what prayer is.

But last night was different. Last night I heard a praise report from someone unexpected. The praise report touched me so deeply because it was a life changing event in this young person’s life. All I could think after she gave her testimony was WOW….This young person has always amazed me, but below the surface she has some pain. She is loved by her family, but I could sense she didn’t believe it. I won’t share the name; it would probably embarrass her and her family. But I will share the testimony. I hope it touches you the same way it touched me.

It went something like this. “My mom and dad told me they were proud of me. They told me they were happy that I’m their kid.”

She shared that when I asked if God had done anything wonderful in their lives that week. It was the best testimony I'd heard in a long time.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Shut up and listen!

I want to be a better listener.

Before I retired from Army civilian service, I managed a staff of benefits counselors who spent ½ their day on the phone counseling Army civilian employees around the world. Many times, the counselor would anticipate the question and answer before the caller was even able to complete their inquiry. This caused the counselor to miss the mark so many times, and resulted in mistakes in benefits transactions and caused untold frustration. The counselors who mastered listening skills were the most effective employees, and were the most sought after for advice and assistance.

Most people listen only with the intent to reply to what the other person is saying. Great listeners are not just hearing the words being spoken; they also try to understand the feelings behind the words. Words come from the head, but feelings come from the heart. When the person speaking senses that you genuinely care about what they are saying AND how they are feeling, you’ll win over their heart. When others know you care about what they feel, they’ll return the favor and care about what you have to say. A great listener creates fertile ground for planting the seeds of the Gospel.

Steven Covey says ‘seek first to understand, then to be understood.’ God’s Word says ‘answering before listening is both stupid and rude' (Proverbs 18:13). If you want to be a good witness, become a good listener.

Lord, make me a better listener.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Why am I in this zoo?

A baby camel asked his mother, “Mom, why do I have these huge three-toed feet?” His mother replied, “Well, son, your toes help you stay on top of the soft sand when we trek across the desert.”

A few minutes later the baby camel asked, “Mom, why do I have these long eyelashes?” His mother replied, “Well, son, your eyelashes help keep the sand out of your eyes on our trips through the desert.”

A few minutes later the baby camel asked, “Mom, why do I have these great big humps on my back.” His mother, who was getting a little impatient with her son, replied, “Well, son, your humps store water for our long treks across the desert, so you can go without drinking for long periods of time.”

“That’s great, Mom,” the baby camel said. “We have huge feet to stop us from sinking, long eyelashes to keep sand out of our eyes, and humps to store water. But….Mom?”

“Yes, son?”

“Why are we in the zoo?”

God created you for a purpose. He’s provided you with gifts and talents so that you can serve Him and make a difference in the world. Are you doing what God created you to do? Maybe you feel a little like the camel in the zoo. Life is easy, things are going along pretty smoothly, but you have a nagging feeling inside that maybe you aren’t living up to your God-given potential.

Living in a zoo isn’t all bad, but it’s certainly not what camels were created to do. Living outside the will of God may not be all bad for you, either. Perhaps you’ve got a well-paying job, a supportive family, and few troubles. But ask yourself, “Is this what God created me to do?” Jesus said, “The thief comes to kill, steal and destroy. But I have come that you may life and have it to the full.” (John 10:10) Let Jesus set you free and give you the abundant life that you were meant to live.

(From Hot Illustrations for Youth talks)

Monday, June 15, 2009

Characters Welcome

Imagine that leadership is like a ladder. Like any ladder, it has two legs. One leg represents competency, which is another word for skills and abilities. The other leg represents character, which is moral and ethical strength. You can develop your competency to a great extent, but without the character to match it your leadership will fall – the same way a ladder with one leg can’t stand up.

In 2 Peter 1:5-8, he says “Don’t lose a minute in building on what you’ve been given, contemplating your basic faith with good character, spiritual understanding, alert discipline, passionate patience, reverent wonder, warm friendliness, and generous love, each dimension fitting into and developing the others. With those qualities active and growing in your lives, no grass will grow under your feet, no day will pass without its reward…” Peter was clear; work hard to have good character.

You might be able to force some people to follow you because of your position, knowledge or power. But if you have character, people will WANT to follow you. God will open opportunities because He trusts you. God doesn’t measure greatness based on accomplishments. He defines greatness based on the depth of your character.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

God's Will

An overweight man decided it was time to shed some pounds. He informed his co-workers he was going on a diet and would no longer be bringing donuts to the office. He knew it would be hard to resist stopping at the bakery on the way to work, but he committed himself to remaining strong and resisting temptation.

His co-workers were surprised one morning to see him arrive at the office with big box of donuts. When they reminded him of his diet, he just smiled.

“These are very special donuts,” he explained. “When I left for the office this morning, I knew I was going to drive by the bakery, and I wondered if maybe the Lord might want me to have some donuts today. I wasn’t sure, so I prayed, ‘Lord, if you want me to stop and buy some donuts, let there be an open parking place directly in front of the bakery.’ As you know, parking spaces in front of that bakery are hard to get!”

“So the parking space was there?” one of his co-workers asked.

“It was a miracle,” the man replied. “The eighth time around the block there it was!”

We need to remember that God’s will is not always our will. When we pray for God’s will to be done, we shouldn’t be trying to manipulate God into rubber-stamping what we have already decided to do. The Bible tells us that our hearts are wicked and “deceitful above all things” (Jeremiah 17:9). Most of the time, what we want to do is not what God wants us to do.

Jesus did not want to die on the cross, but rather than demanding His way, He prayed, “Father…not my will, but yours be done.” (Luke 2:42) God always knows what’s best for us. We must submit ourselves to doing what He wants, not what we want.

Monday, May 4, 2009

How do you know I'm a Christian?

A Sunday school teacher was trying to make the point that good Christians don’t keep their faith a secret. With her head held high and her chest thrust out, the teacher strutted impressively back and forth across the room. She asked, “Now, class, why do you think people call me a Christian?” The room was silent for a moment until one of the boys slowly raised his hand and said, “Probably because they don’t know you.” (story from Youth Talks)

Witnessing for Jesus means living for Him, not just talking about Him. We don’t have to have a title like Pastor, Deacon, or Sunday school teacher to bring others to Jesus. We don’t have to be a leader, but we do need to be a follower – a disciple of Christ.

Jesus chastised the religious leaders of His day for saying one thing, but doing another. Like the Sunday school teacher in the story above, the religious leaders of Jesus’ day were pompous and self-righteous. They thought their title was their ticket to Heaven. But Jesus knew what was in their hearts. He called them “white-washed tombs” and hypocrites. Their daily lives and actions didn’t stack up against their teaching.

While we can fool people, we can’t fool Jesus. He knows every thought and intent of our heart. He knows when our words and actions don’t measure up. Since He holds our ticket to Heaven, what He thinks and desires of us matters most.

Jesus wants us to demonstrate humility in our daily living. We are not to think more highly of ourselves than we ought to. We are all sinners and in need of a Savior. If we treat others with dignity and respect, we will do more to communicate Christ to a lost world than all the sermons in the world.